#0842 Bible Supplies New Year 2024 New Year Sale Catalog 2024 | Page 6


Have you ever wished for a do-over ? A fresh start ? The Bible offers hope . According to 2 Corinthians 5:17 , “ If
anyone is in Christ , he is a new creation .”
Maybe you think that you have made too many wrong choices for God to forgive you . You ’ re not alone . Romans 3:10 says , “ There is none righteous , no , not one .” There are no righteous people because everyone has sinned . Or maybe you think you ’ ve done enough good deeds to get by . According to Isaiah 64:6 , “ All our righteous acts are like filthy rags .”
But there is good news . God ’ s love and grace are greater than your sin . Romans 5:20 tells us that “ where sin increased , grace increased all the more .”
Although we as sinners cannot save ourselves from the consequence of sin , which is death ( eternal separation from God in hell ), God has offered everyone the gift of new life through Jesus . Romans 6:23 says , “ The wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord .”
Because He is God , Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves . 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 says that Christ died for our sins , was buried and rose again the third day . He paid the price for our sins through His death on the cross . Through Jesus , all our sins have been forgiven . We can have a new life in Him — a fresh start .
If you would like to have a new life in Christ , you may use the following prayer as a guide to express your desire to God :
Dear God ,
I know that I am a sinner . Thank You for sending Your perfect Son to die in my place . I believe that it is only through Jesus ’ sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection from the dead that I can have a new life in You and be made right with God . Thank You for saving me by your grace . In Jesus ’ name , Amen
To learn more about having a new life , we suggest reading the Gospel of John in the New Testament .
A treasure trove of spiritual knowledge
A . Leather Bible , NLT FHB004 $ 74.99
B . Leather Bible , NLT FHB005 $ 74.99