0822_AUG_Digital Edition | Page 3


A New Model for Concierge-Level Customer Service

Customer service . It ’ s a skill critical , not just for service-related industries like retail , hospitality and sales , but truly for all business sectors . Because at the end of the day , we all have customers . They ’ re our colleagues , our business partners , our clients , and yes — our customers . The quality of care and service we provide to each other is at the core of how we all do business .

But between a global pandemic , staff shortages and unmotivated workers , traditional expectations of customer service have taken a dip . And frankly , that ’ s understandable . But what ’ s not acceptable is refusing to adapt and find new ways to provide the highest quality of customer service .
That ’ s why Clutch has adopted a new model , one that focuses on concierge-level , top-notch customer service . We ’ re the team that answers the call and truly listens to the needs of our client . The team who is always looking for ways to help our clients succeed . A team built on the foundation that creating a strong culture supports your bottom line . Clutch is the team committed to providing customer service like you ’ ve never seen before .
“ You bring the challenge . Clutch connects you to the solution . You get the credit ,” says Anne Descalzo , co-founder and CEO of Clutch . “ There is no project too big or too small for us , and if we ’ re not confident we can deliver the best results from our in-house collection of experts , we know exactly who can . Think of us as your ultimate network — and you ’ re in the center . Every time .”
Written by Christine Calvin
“ I cannot thank you all enough for such a special day ! WOW I ’ m just overwhelmed by how awesome this day was ! Thank you to all who planned and played a role in this truly magical day !” — Mackenzie Wieser , CEO of Sacramento Splash
From the foundations of organizational development like strategic planning , training and business process improvement to business services such as event management , resource amplification and project management , you ’ re going to get the best from Clutch . With an award-winning team bringing together expertise from private , nonprofit and public sectors , Clutch works with you to develop strategic initiatives that build trust and loyalty with your clients .
www . connectwithclutch . com