The Lump
Jinn Park | poetry
Swirling, twisting, snaking
Through the veins of the drains
It flows.
No longer mine.
Gasps fly out of my throat and another
Choke- des-per-ate
Thick curtain of
Circular red spotlight.
Swirling, twisting, snaking.
Slipping away.
He was mine.
Chill of the toilet
Tears it away from me.
Big, white hole devouring
원, One
이 승호 / Visual Art
달걀을 깨어서 그릇에 담았을 때 그 노른자의 형태
는 '원'입니다. 그 후 노른자와 흰자를 섞었을 때, 그
들은 'one' 즉 하나가 됩니다.
My baby.