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Featured Profiles
Transitioning into Adulthood
Nonprofits step up for foster youth aging out of the system
By Ken Smith
On the Job
Workforce development programs fill regional employment needs
By Bill Sessa
Together We Can
Community-based organizations increase health care access
By Jessica Hice
Funding the Future
Nonprofits survive thanks to philanthropy and grants
By Jennifer von Geldern
Government Grants
CARES and ARPA help groups stay afloat By Jessica Laskey
Capital Region Cares
For the past 25 years , Comstock ’ s has published the Capital Region Cares special section to bring attention to the incredible work being done by myriad nonprofits in our region through articles and sponsored profiles .
The section was first created as a way to introduce our readers to these impressive nonprofits and highlight the critical work they do day after day to keep our region ’ s less-fortunate families and children safe , to assist with health challenges that oftentimes plague people both emotionally and financially , to provide shelter and homes for pets of all kinds , to offer job skills training to help people chart new life paths , and much more .
This edition of Capital Region Cares explores how these organizations are adapting to best serve the community and stay economically viable in a constantly changing world .
We proudly celebrate their tenacity and hope you ’ ll join us in supporting their critical missions .
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