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Opening Doors Walking Alongside Our Newest Neighbors

Opening Doors is dedicated to making Northern California a safe and accepting place for immigrants , refugees and survivors of human trafficking to build the lives they deserve . Founded in Sacramento in 1993 , this nonprofit organization enriches our communities by welcoming and supporting our newest neighbors on their paths to stability , self-sufficiency and belonging .

“ For a newly-arriving immigrant or refugee or someone escaping human trafficking , their first need is stability — physical safety and basic needs met ,” says Jessie Tientcheu , CEO . “ Over time , we also assist them on their path to selfsufficiency , supporting them as they gain an education , find work or open a business . The end goal is belonging , which happens through a supportive , welcoming community .”
In 2021 , Opening Doors welcomed 888 refugees to the Greater Sacramento area , connected 108 immigrants and refugees to new career pathways , supported 70 clients fleeing trafficking situations and assisted 653 clients with pro bono immigration legal services .
“ Lately , we ’ ve seen multiple crises , including people fleeing the northern triangle countries seeking asylum in the U . S . and the Afghan refugee crisis stemming from the U . S . ending its presence there ,” Tientcheu says . “ We ’ ve been incredibly busy welcoming Afghan evacuees and are preparing for a large number of Ukrainian refugee arrivals very soon .”
Opening Doors is uniquely equipped to support our newest neighbors with passionate , committed staff , strong connections with local service providers and an engaged community that shares their values of action-oriented compassion . Immigrants , refugees and survivors of human trafficking endure hardships on their journey to safety and stability and , with great courage , they continue moving forward . Opening Doors recognizes and celebrates that courage and invites the community to help us welcome them by donating or volunteering .
Tientcheu concludes , “ We believe our community is better because of the contributions of immigrants , refugees and survivors of trafficking because when they thrive , we all thrive .”
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