0522_Capital Region Cares_DE | Page 10

Pictured : Dwayne Crenshaw , J . D ., President and CEO

Greater Sacramento Urban League Empowering Communities and Changing Lives

The Greater Sacramento Urban League ( GSUL ) has been committed to empowering communities and changing lives in the Greater Sacramento region since 1968 . Through focused efforts to empower , educate and employ youth and families , they have assisted thousands of Sacramentans gain meaningful employment ; access safe , affordable and stable housing ; reach their educational goals ; overcome health disparities ; and improve their overall health and wellness .

GSUL services fulfill an empowerment mission agenda of the following five pillars : civic engagement and leadership empowerment ; civil rights and racial justice empowerment ; economic empowerment ; education and youth empowerment ; and health and quality of life empowerment .
“ As we look forward to our 55th year in the region , and 30th year headquartered in the Del Paso Heights neighborhood , we remain committed to growing and sustaining our flagship programs benefiting diverse , underserved and marginalized populations regionally while aggressively venturing to reach new heights in Del Paso Heights ,” says Dwayne Crenshaw , J . D ., president and CEO .
Specifically , GSUL is looking to move forward with a mixed-use development on a . 74-acre vacant lot they own adjacent to their Del Paso Heights headquarters to serve as a catalyst for further community economic development along Marysville Boulevard . It is anticipated the sustainability of this community-benefitting development project will be ignited and made more viable by GSUL implementing new programming in entrepreneurship , financial empowerment and home ownership . Moreover , targeted workforce development in high-growth job sectors with indemand skills offering family-sustaining wages will become key components of GSUL ’ s work around jobs and careers .
“ We offer an array of services to help generate employment opportunities for those in need of job training , a career job or professional upskilling for advancement or making a career change ,” says Ronnie L . Cobb , GSUL director of recruitment , education and training . “ Our programs have always been vital to those all too often overlooked and underprepared by society , and this has been even more critical during the pandemic .”
70 comstocksmag . com | December 2021