0521_SacState_Digital Edition | Page 15

special supplement

Sacramento State On the Rise

University sets sights on continued excellence and growth
by Ken Smith

Sacramento State is on the cusp of celebrating its 75th anniversary , but the administration ’ s eyes are focused squarely on the future rather than its past .

“ We want to give our students state-ofthe-art opportunities ,” says vice president for University Advancement Lisa Cardoza . “ We ’ ve seen Sacramento State become a shining beacon in the community .”
The capital city ’ s anchor university welcomed its first class of 235 students in 1947 on the grounds of Sacramento City College ( then known as Sacramento Junior College ). It wasn ’ t until 1951 that the campus moved to its current 305-acre site along the American River where lush hops fields and peach orchards had once stood .
Today , Sac State serves over 31,000 students . It has evolved from a commuter school into a respected destination university that draws a diverse and dynamic student body from around the world .
The university is currently in the midst of its first comprehensive fundraising program , an eight-year effort entitled “ On the Rise ,” with the ambitious goal of raising $ 225 million by 2023 . Over $ 195 million in donations have already been received since the campaign began in 2015 .
“ This campaign has always been about providing better services for students and endowed professors here ,” Sac State President Robert S . Nelsen says , noting that there are now three endowed professorships at the school , including one that focuses on the science of happiness . “ That seems to fit Sac State ,” he says .
Another tangible success of the On the Rise campaign is the Ernest E . Tschannen Science Complex . The five-story ,
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