Here are five ways to protect employees :
Defining methods and types
When employers understand the ways employees can be cyberbullied , they are in a better position to develop and execute plans to address and prevent the situation .
Cyberbullies may use numerous electronic means to harass victims , including email , text messages , instant messaging , video conferencing , blogs , chat rooms and social media platforms . When used in concert , affected employees feel trapped because there can be no escape from a barrage of attacks .
Some examples of cyberbullying include impersonating a leader , supervisor or co-worker , outing secrets and personal information to large groups of employees , and trolling by posting negative comments on social media posts .
Recognizing the signs
Sometimes , managers , employees and witnesses may not recognize the warning signs until the situation escalates to a serious level . Some examples include threatening emails that use patronizing language , copying management on emails when mistakes are pointed out to employees , humiliating employees on social media platforms seen by large groups of co-workers , sending intimidating text messages on personal phones that employers cannot track , and taking credit for others ’ work during video conferencing calls .
If everyone can recognize warning signs earlier , there might be a chance to reconcile situations in the early stages before an employee begins to feel unsafe , hopeless or uncertain about job security . If left unchecked , employers may face losing more than just the victimized employee . Co-workers may note the inaction of leadership and take steps to leave an organization that does not protect its employees .
Creating or updating policies
The first step is to create or update anti-bullying policies that clearly define bullying , cyberbullying , discrimination , harassment and inappropriate behavior . Policies should also be created or updated to establish best practices and outline expectations for acceptable use of social networking sites . There should be a strong emphasis on zero tolerance that can lead to disciplinary action .
After policies are updated , it is a good idea to share the changes with employees via an all-employee email from HR , postings on the company intranet and reminders at team meetings . These measures not only help to remind the workforce about anti-bullying policies , but they might also serve as a deterrent for existing cyberbullying activities that have not yet been reported .
Educating and training employees
Education and training are critical to recognizing and preventing cyberbullying in the workplace . When employees can identify the signs of cyberbullying , either from a thirdparty or victim ’ s perspective , they are better able to take the appropriate steps to report it . Required education and training on cyberbullying can be incorporated into an annual antiharassment course .
One-sheet flyers with bullet points of the warning signs can also be distributed in new employee packets and periodically during the year , demonstrating an employer ’ s zerotolerance policy toward cyberbullying and undesirable behavior . The sooner incidents are reported , the quicker they can result in resolutions and improve the working conditions for all workers .
Making employees feel safe
Employers have a moral obligation to make employees feel safe in their work environment — in the office or remote — so they are free from distractions and able to focus on their jobs . In an effort to help facilitate this safety , employers should offer a confidential reporting system through a third-party vendor for incidents . Many times , victims may feel embarrassed that they allowed themselves to be cyberbullied , and / or the offender is in an executive or managerial role , so they are hesitant to come forward to report the abuse .
When employers are notified , they should take immediate action to investigate the situation in a sensitive and fair manner that demonstrates their commitment to taking claims seriously and making employees feel safe . Leaders should address victims ’ mental health by conducting regular check-ins and offering the services of an Employee Assistance Program .
As businesses in the Capital Region take the necessary steps to rein in cyberbullying , the workplace will be a safer environment that supports highly engaged employees who can reach their full potential and contribute to ongoing organizational success .
Josh Smith is a district manager for Insperity , a leading provider of human resources and business performance solutions .
Does your company have a plan in place to prevent cyberbullying ?
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