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Patrice Griffith
Senior Real Estate Officer , Department of General Services , State of California President-Elect , BOMA
What has BOMA done to address the effects of the pandemic ? Back in January 2020 … I was chair of BOMA Sacramento ’ s Emergency Preparedness Committee , so I sprang into action quickly … We released several articles and information to our members in order to assist them with ( health and safety ) preparations . Shortly after the shutdowns , I worked diligently with vendors as we adjusted to lighter-than-usual foot traffic and reduced building services as needed . I also reached out to tenants asking what operational challenges , if any , had they been presented with during this time … By the middle of 2020 , many were strategizing how they can make ( teleworking ) a normal occurrence for their employees . In turn , this led to a number of tenants reaching out to space planners as they begin to change how their office space will be utilized going forward … The key in this current climate is adapting to change … In real estate , we know that change comes in cycles and as professionals in our industry , we continue to do our best and , as expected , we adapt .
Aaron Marchand
Vice President , Turton Commercial Real Estate President-Elect , ACRE
What do you think the “ new normal ” will look like ? The office market has been through quite a roller coaster over the last year , with most office employers trying to maintain employee productivity while under the work-from-home mandate . Many employers have experienced their people are maintaining their work pre-pandemic productivity , however employers are also sensing a rise in depression / anxiety depending on certain employee ’ s current at-home work environment and social circle — or lack thereof . We are social creatures by nature and the pandemic has currently altered the basics of human interaction . We are now trying to return to “ normal ,” however we cannot disregard the after-effects of the pandemic ( and the ) last year … We are seeing a slow but steady increase in office tours and client interaction … We feel overall the workforce is ready to return to the office ... with new safety protocols ( in place ) to maintain a safe work environment .
LIONAKIS is pleased to break ground on our NEW CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS
Designing the office of the future
April 2021 | comstocksmag . com 83