0421_April Digital Edition | Page 6


Rebuilding a national treasure at Ground Zero , bringing healing and hope for all

On September 11 , 2001 , the world watched in horror as the World Trade Center crumpled to the ground and nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives . Among the buildings destroyed was Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church , a place of worship founded in 1916 between the financial centers of Wall Street and Battery Park . Saint Nicholas was the only house of worship destroyed on 9 / 11 , and since then , elected officials , community leaders and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have worked together to rebuild the church as an inclusive place of hope . With construction of the new Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine underway , it will emerge as an architectural and spiritual beacon — a place of pilgrimage to honor those lost and those who carry their light forward .

“ The rebuilding of Saint Nicholas is a project that is near and dear to my heart ,” says Chrysanthy Demos , president and CEO of AKT Investments . “ Twenty years after these horrific attacks , the final piece of Ground Zero will be completed and will give people around the nation an opportunity to heal .”
Demos and her husband , George , along with her late father-in-law , Emanuel G . Demos , have been involved in the rebuilding of Saint Nicholas from the start . Chrysanthy Demos serves on the board of the Friends of Saint Nicholas , a nonprofit created in 2019 to raise , invest and allocate funds for the construction