0421_April Digital Edition | Page 39

“ We have our kitchen that is open seven days a week , which allowed us to be able to stay open where others couldn ’ t . There ’ s been lots of things by being so large that we ’ ve been able to keep our staff employed and keep wine flowing for the public .”
KATHLEEN MAHAN Director of events and culinary services Helwig Winery
experience and techniques .” And many Napa area wineries now buy grapes from the Fair Play region . “ We have a microclimate here that just lends itself to so many different varietals ,” she says .
Sentivo had its first harvest in 2011 and opened the tasting room about five years later . Today , the property includes 5 acres of petite sirah , syrah and pinot noir grapes , plus a high-ceilinged “ urban rustic ” tasting room ; a firepit with seating for 16 ; a picnic area ; and ample grounds and venue space for events . In contrast to the industrial aesthetic at Old Sugar Mill , Sentivo features more of a Tuscan-winery look .
Wise Villa Winery in Lincoln also emulates a Tuscan setting , although it appeared much humbler when the winery opened in 2011 . What started as a tiny tasting bar has grown in the last decade to become a 13,000-square-foot
April 2021 | comstocksmag . com 39