Capital Region Cares
Motivational Quotes
Nonprofit leaders discuss what keeps them going during challenging times Interviews by Jessica Laskey
“ What keeps me going during these challenging times is our supporters ’ deep passion for the natural world . Even though many are struggling , they have reached deep into their pockets to keep our organization alive so we can continue to strive towards a California with thriving waterfowl populations , vibrant wetlands ecosystems and respected hunting communities .”
John Carlson , Jr . President , California Waterfowl Association
“ Because the focus of our group is on helping law enforcement take criminals off the streets , the increased crime and violence over the past year reinforced our commitment to help police and prosecutors do their jobs and defend the rights of crime victims .”
Michael Rushford President , Criminal Justice Legal Foundation
“ During these difficult times , pregnant women are facing more challenges than ever before , such as loss of income , home and medical insurance . There is nothing more rewarding than helping them through , equipping them with the compassion , resources and medical care they need to parent their child .”
Marie Leatherby Executive Director , Sacramento Life Center
“ Music is an essential human right , not a luxury … I have been busy during the pandemic creating videos and recordings of past performances , as well as making some new remote orchestra performances with my wonderful musicians … Audiences are craving live music , and while we wait for the ideal conditions to resume performing live safely , we are glad to create new content to keep our musicians and audiences motivated , inspired and ready for our return to the stage .”
Christian Baldini , Ph . D . Music Director , Camellia Symphony Orchestra
“ In the past year , it has not been easy to be thankful or grateful , but there are many things that we can and should feel these emotions about … I thank the kids for coming to our Club , but live in gratitude for what they show us … They show us to appreciate the magic in the little things around you … because ultimately if you are happy and content with what you have , it does not matter what you don ’ t have . If you are truly grateful , then any situation can bring you appreciation and peace .”
Sean McCartney CEO , Boys & Girls Club El Dorado County Western Slope
“ SARTA is motivated by the collective creativity we see from our community theaters embracing new technology and exploring new ways to bring performances to their audiences ... There is Zoom Shakespeare , live-streamed plays and original works , filmed and socially distant vocal concerts , on-demand outdoor musicals and even radio plays ... plus an amazing selection of Zoom classes and workshops for all ages and abilities .”
Leslie Addiego Board President , Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance
“ Leadership is not defined by doing what is easy . It is only in facing difficult challenges that test our ability that we earn the responsibility to call ourselves leaders . We rise or fall based on our ability to remain focused on the task in front of us , never losing sight that we will succeed .”
Bill Roby Executive Director , El Dorado Community Foundation
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