0321_March Digital Edition | Page 99

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Girl Scouts Heart of Central California

Empowering girls to lead and succeed

Girl Scouts prepares girls for a lifetime of leadership ,

success and adventure . As an independent council of this 109-year-old organization , Girl Scouts Heart of Central California serves troops across 18 counties with the mission of building girls of courage , confidence and character who make the world a better place .
In the midst of Girl Scout cookie season ( Jan . 8-March 28 ), Linda Farley , CEO of GSHCC , says , “ We ’ re so well-known for our cookie program , but people often miss the importance of it for the girls : It helps them become entrepreneurs . The Girl Scouts leadership experience is supported by the four pillars of STEM , outdoors , life skills and entrepreneurial skills , and the cookie program thoroughly covers the entrepreneurial aspect .”
Five skills gleaned from the cookie program are goal setting , decision making , money management , people skills and business ethics . “ The girls create individual plans to reach selling goals ,
make decisions on their own and as a team , create individual budgets , handle money , and interact with customers , which helps them find their voice and build confidence ,” says Farley . “ Ultimately , they learn how to act ethically and honestly in business and in life through the cookie program .”
Booth sales , normally an important aspect of the program , are sidelined due to state pandemic guidelines , so this year ’ s sales are conducted primarily online . “ It ’ s important to return to booth sales as soon as we can , but this is teaching the girls how to market and sell in a different way ,” Farley says . “ They ’ re learning how to pivot a business , and it ’ s giving them an appreciation for what other local businesses are having to do . It ’ s also an opportunity to learn to communicate in a virtual world .”
GSHCC encourages everyone to find their favorite cookies online at girlscoutcookies . org to support the girls who are our future .
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