organization Elica Health Centers when it became a federally qualified health center ( better known as an FQHC in the initialist universe of medicine and government ). In 2013 , at Cassin ’ s invitation , Bak returned as chief operating officer , and when Cassin retired in 2017 , Elica ’ s board of directors selected Bak to become CEO .
Elica opened a 20,000-square-foot medical building in North Highlands in November 2020 , adding to its 10 health centers in Sacramento and Yolo counties and three mobile clinics . Bak says the mobile units allow Elica to deliver care to farmworkers , laborers and migrants near their homes , encampments or worksites in Sacramento , Placer and Yolo counties . Elica also has an animal care clinic , which Bak says she started after discovering how important pets are to people who are homeless .
Elica treats a wide diversity of clients . “ Twenty-five percent of our patient population is Russian ,” Bak says , “ while 18 percent are Spanish-speaking and another 18 percent are Black . But we also have 5 percent Afghan and 3 percent Asian patients .” Before she can be asked the obvious follow-up question , Bak says , “ Yes , we can speak 50 different languages at Elica .” If that sounds like a logistical horror film — just the notion of calling an
“( Working for Sacramento County social services ) gave me insight into poverty and struggle of immigrants and others and what was available to help them . I learned and studied ; I am like a sponge .”
TATYANA BAK CEO , Elica Health Centers
interpreting service and hoping it can send someone out to a doctor ’ s office or clinic in a timely way — Bak credits social media and high-tech solutions for allowing her staff to connect with a translator “ in about 30 seconds ,” by phone or various face-to-face , real-time computer programs .
Elica has received financial support from some of the local health care industry ’ s most notable providers and players , including the City of Sacramento ’ s Pathways to Health + Home , Dignity Health , Kaiser Permanente , the Partnership HealthPlan of California , Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society Alliance , UC Davis , and Western Health Advantage .
Bak says Elica has many socialservice partnerships , including with the Twin Rivers Unified School District . “ Elica helps us to take care of our students , with back-to-school inoculations and medical checkups , but also their parents ,” says Christi Kagstrom , the district ’ s coordinator of student health , wellness and prevention .
Another partnership is with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento . Consul General Liliana Ferrer says Elica “ has been a fantastic partner in serving our people . It gives them access to health care and removes barriers of fear in the process .” Ferrer says
Elica Health Centers has 11 locations in Sacramento and Yolo counties , including this one in the Arden Arcade area of Sacramento . PHOTO COURTESY OF ELICA HEALTH CENTERS
some patients are undocumented and “ afraid they ’ ll go to the doctor then get shipped back to Mexico .” Even when the rest of a patient ’ s family may be United States citizens , “ There ’ s a fear that if the undocumented patient is forced to leave , it will have a terrible impact on the family .” Ferrer says she was pleased by the arrival of one of Elica ’ s mobile medical vans “ right next to the consulate .” The consulate has also helped Elica take one of its mobile clinics to rural French Camp in San Joaquin County on a regular basis .
Bak says the coronavirus pandemic has affected Elica ’ s operations . Some of its 445 employees have been working from home , while its 89 doctors , dentists and behavioral health providers continue to visit homeless shelters and gathering spots . “ The technology has helped us conduct some routine visits by phone ,” she says , “ but the care we provide remains very personal . Why else go into this field ?”
Ed Goldman is a Sacramento writer . He wrote the Working Lunch column for Comstock ’ s for 15 years and a daily column for the Sacramento Business Journal for eight years . His thrice-weekly column , The Goldman State , is online at goldmanstate . com .
March 2021 | comstocksmag . com 121