0222_FEB Digital Edition | Page 64




Paving the way for growth in Roseville

By Erin Frye
Steeped in history

Formed in 1912 , Roseville Electric Utility provides service to residential and business customers within Roseville ’ s city limits , now a 43-square-mile service territory . Governed by the city council , this community-owned utility operates all electric infrastructure throughout Roseville — distribution facilities , substations and generating resources — and can import power from outside the city .

An advantage to municipal power is that decisions , actions and rate making happen locally . “ The municipal model prides itself on being responsive to customers , managing costs and making investment decisions that are best for the community ,” says Shawn Matchim , assistant utility director . “ Our local control allows us to better serve the community .”
Roseville Electric Utility recovers its costs through service rates to the community rather than through tax revenue . “ Even though we ’ re a city department , we operate as a not-for-profit business , so we ’ re able to keep downward pressure on our costs and rates ,” Matchim says . “ We ’ re nearly 40 percent less expensive than service in neighboring jurisdictions with PG & E .”
Those lower rates benefit Roseville as a whole , translating to business development and retention as customers can invest their electricity savings elsewhere .
Another benefit of this municipal model is its enterprise fund . Through its generated revenue , Roseville Electric Utility is able to contribute to the city ’ s general fund and other city departments for public safety , police and fire service , parks and recreation , and other community programs .
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