01_EP_RG_25 | Page 31


Live in Eden Prairie

There are approximately 25,000 + housing units in Eden Prairie , of which 54 percent are singlefamily and 45 percent are multifamily . The age of Eden Prairie ’ s housing stock is also fairly new with only 7 percent of all units built before 1970 and more than a third built since 1989 . The mostcommon housing type in Eden Prairie is newer , single-family , owner-occupied home . The median household Income Is $ 129,345 .

Eden Prairie has everything that one would need as a senior living in the area including home health care , residential homes , social services , realtors , move management , attorneys , financial planners , Medicare brokers , senior housing referral agencies , and a Senior Center .
For more information on Senior Housing in Eden Prairie , visit edenprairieaging . org or epchamber . org .


Median Household Income
$ 120,170
Median Home Value :
$ 473,576
Number of Homes and Apartments :
Average Market Rent :
$ 2,372 / month
Average Age of Homes
1970 – 1999 : 73.7 % 18.3 % of Homes are 2,000 or Newer
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Ownership Rate : 75.3 % Source : Neighborhood Scout
Over the past two years , the housing market in Eden Prairie has been largely centered on senior living and apartment complexes . The newest senior housing options , Prairie Bluffs Senior Living and Southview Senior Living , were just built in 2019 and are in prime locations with great access to the local entertainment , shopping , and services . More housing and options are coming with the Flagstone / Presbyterian Homes project off of Prairie Center Drive and Flying Cloud Drive .


edenprairie . org / EPLiquor
Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce | Community Resource Guide | 31