A Note From The CreaTor
Hello everyone! My name is Brooke Blair and I created the program House Party FitnessĀ®. 11 years ago, I started my fitness career as a step instructor. If you would have told me to start my own fitness program (let alone in dance), I would have laughed it off! Now, I am so happy that I took a chance and HPF is in 7 states! I enjoy making people happy through fitness. Not being an inspiration, but empowering others to take control of their health and taking them to limits that they could reach. House Party FitnessĀ® was not created to just "dance to be cute" or "to compete with other programs." It was created to change the game in dance fitness and breed different results. House Party FitnessĀ® was designed to express dance and athleticism through hip hop; all my favorite things. So welcome to the wild side of dance fitness. Enjoy this issue. Visit www.housepartyfit.com to learn more. And feel free to email me personally: brooke@housepartyfitmail.com
In health & hip-hop,
Brooke Blair
Party Starters in South Carolina from left to right: Jeanine Rouse, Fallon Brucke, Brooke Blair (creator), Sierra Bridges, and Sherrie Wald
Photo Credits: Mattie Rodriguez