// Tomasz Pietrzak, 2019. Preserve the nature and life on Planet Earth from Tomek Quatl-Piet //episodic for preserve the nature and planet | 页面 5
eastern turkmen forests. Some heritage is provided by records and
photographic evidences by the end of XIX century.
fot. Attabad Lake, Hunza Valley.—File
photo by Usman Khan
There is some lack of successors, whose will be looking for
unknown equid populations in remote colony. Yet, more astonishing
is hypothetical expedition to north of the Hindu-Kush, to Badkhiz-
Karabil semi-desert that is occupied by various unknown
populations of hairy mammals and amphibians. There is publication
Mammal geography in the North Caucasus (1972) that was
published by Alexander Tembotov and is results of studies done in
region at the end of XX century, in the name of cognitive values.
There is a place for continuation of his heritage by europeans. Issue
about history of Carpathians fauna investigations was presented by
Stanislaw Sroka in his publication The history of study the fauna of
the Carpathians in the 2001. Stefan Jarosz studied landscapes and
silvestre dots in the 1950s. that thus refers to the uniqueness and
originality of nature by his research work. Continuation of natural
resources management and megafauna of ukraine’s Gorgany are
selected initiatives for further investigation. Additionally, Moldova
nature heritage and Poznaj natur ę (Poland) are nature-based
programs for further scientific work (2015 -?/).
It is naturalists excursion to regions that was not investigated
before. Moreover it is comprehensive studium of natural history in
the proper form. The proper of its own form of nature. Analysis of
hidden populations in regions as highland semi-steppes of western
afghan borders or in remote mountains of Macedonia is main
concept for studies as well. It is contribution to natural history of
animal and human populations as being „forms of species in place
and time”.
fot. Czerwonokrzew—dieta
cz ł owieka
We looking for uncommon populations, but true reality is more
astonishing, that we expect ever. Some large populations was not
yet determined by cryptozoologists and researchers of natural
history. Additionally natural resources integrative investigations is
main issue for pragmatic solutions in regions of Central Europe e.g.