// Tomasz Pietrzak, 2019. Preserve the nature and life on Planet Earth from Tomek Quatl-Piet //episodic for preserve the nature and planet | Page 38

INITIATIVE FROM THE LEAGUE ECL from tomek quatl-pietrzak/april-may 2019/ ESM episode4 The League ECL is neutral and adoptive flagship initiative for conservation of nature and natural resources. The initiative concern about preserve the planet's living beings, namely wild flora nad fauna, inhabited those areas such as central oriental highlands, montagne ecosystem biodiversity hotspot of temperate Central Asia. The preserve initiative is focused for sustainable growth in innovations for life and pragmatic quality of comprehensive industries, steel and stone glass constructions and services for living and working. in relatively small civilization of european within kashgaria, namaly Weogu. Advanced initiative pioneering in sci- explore and Weogu conservation of nature and natural resources. Sustainable management of wildlife.THE LEAGUE ECL is publishing innovations in save the species and populations of living beings currently living across Europe, Caucasus and Central Orient with strong emphasis for species at risk. Venszeki Initiative is VDX media entertainment. There is a regional-scale project for growth in civilization the autonomous region called Arkem.Those is european centre for pragmatic futuristic living in Central Europe. Important is job for growth the new ideas and intro to life the concept of integral society and pragmatic intelligent region with zero waste. Arkem is civilization of light and harmonic aspiration for democratic of freedom and integrity. Science in Arkem with arch and tech industries. What more about sustainable living. Comfort of integral living. Pragmatic futuristic Europe is concept of near-future of Nadjam civilization located within polish-czech borders.The even greater civilization is growth across the land of Scandinavia, which is possible the most advanced civilization on Earth. Earth is planet of human beings and wild inhabitants, called wild fauna including megafauna. Available from creative commons. Privacy diplomacy and term of use.