// Tomasz Pietrzak, 2019. Preserve the nature and life on Planet Earth from Tomek Quatl-Piet //episodic for preserve the nature and planet | Page 27

is relic species endemic to balkhash wetlands. There are records of troglodites, primitive human populations, which can be hybrids of denisovians. They live in primitive conditions, but those records does not yzet proven. Acheivements of conservation efforts and zoological expedition is on the stage. Turkestanian salamander Hynobius turkestanicus is according to authorities unique species, recorded previously only from fragmentary note.Taxonomic notes: the species is known only by the type series collected at the beginning of the 20th century. The species onced found in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Several specimens were collected in 1909, but since then the species has not been seen in the wild. None remain in captivity. The Turkestanian salamander is currently on the list of the 10 Most Wanted Amphibians, a rediscovery effort launched by Conservation International. The League ECL and EN-He Efforts are interested in quest for this unique amphibian. Adventures are an indispensable element of each from field trips in the mountains of Central Asia. In fact, each day of such expeditions brought new impressions, both those related to the discovery of floristic species, their communities, amazing landscapes, such as those associated with ordinary everyday life, observation the inhabitants’ lives, carried out conversations, a journey that you can talk about for a long time.30% of vascular plants known from Tajikistan are generally recognized as national endemics.The richest in terms of the number of endemic species of flora are the western parts of the Zerawsza ń ski Mountains (409 taxons) and the Gissar Mountains (402 taxons), located in western Tajikistan. < based on work polish botanist Arkady Nowak, 2012.> We limit ourselves only to give here about their distribution range, physical appearance and behavior of this truly species seems to be beings as holy grail of zoology. Pragmatic natural resources management within afrikan region and across central orient