// Tomasz Pietrzak, 2019. Preserve the nature and life on Planet Earth from Tomek Quatl-Piet //episodic for preserve the nature and planet | Page 21

the most remarkable wild planet. They are engaget within research and legal maintain of wild. Planète+ is broadcasted TV transmitted from september 1988. It presents movie docs that are often premiere, devoted to outline approach to industry and technologies, recent and past history, nature puzzles, wild things, current world events, the most crazy inventions. DiscoveryChannel is flagship network of bradcast TV american-based setting up in 1985. It initially provided documentary television programming focused primarily on popular science, technology, and history, but by the 2010s had expanded into reality television and pseudo-scientific entertainment. We take our eyes on Corporate News from Arte Discovery and Arte Sciences. It is an european vision. Strong anchoring and control mechanisms in a Europe in motion. ARTE’s corporate identity reflects the Channel’s identity as Europe’s cultural magnet. Arte discovery and Arte Sciences take show at live, those such as broadcasts, performing arts, documentaries i.e. Inhabiting Planet Earth, culture magazine shows one more and more. Arte Discovery revealling all that science and nature has to offer with exceptional cinematography. The key of Arte Sciences to understanding the latest breakthroughs in medical and environmental science. Norweg Institute of NatureResearch (NATURAL RESOURCES SCI- TECH < NI-NA, registered on http://sciencenordic.com, origin 1988) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research. Fields of research are the is biodiversity, fish and game management, mitigating wildlife-human conflicts, renewable energy, restoration ecology and impacts of climate change are examples of topics. John Linnell and his pragmatic natural resources management directly from Norwegian Institute for NatureResearch dedicated their work for Central Asia’s natural environment of Montagne Orient. John conducts interdiscplinary research on the interactions between humans and wildlife with a view to promoting coexistence with using non-invasive technologies and traditional work. Firstly, we take Industrial and Bio-sustainability Code of George Schaller’s legacy. Laszlo Barkoczy is CEO and Blogger which work for Biokryptos, an environmental Non Profit. Biokryptos as adventure of conservation, non-profit (501 © 3) organization