// Tomasz Pietrzak, 2019. Preserve the nature and life on Planet Earth from Tomek Quatl-Piet //episodic for preserve the nature and planet | Page 2

Flesh records for natural environment, conservation efforts for wild flora and fauna quatl_work ethical May 9, 2017 glossary /// wyprawy do Azji Ś rodkowej, ochrona przyrody i zrównowa ż ony rozwój na granicach Gruzji i Azerbejd ż anu. prace badawcze w Sudanie, na Saharze. ekspedycja na Pacyfiku. credit: Luchowicz gabinet press An applied note on nature heritage and natural resources management — — — fot. mammutus—unknown     species from Siberia by Tomasz q. Pietrzak Article: Detection of a given populations in the wild are an issues for taxonomic diagnosis. Here are some useful data for conduction field investigations concerning natural history by implementing know- how. The wild areas are those known as places of origins of biological populations. With growing anxiety, we explaining hitherto analysis of faunistics and diagnosis, which is concept for naturalists. Selected short surveys, including ethnozoological investigation are key aspect of study of natural history and the wild world in Central Asia and european highlands. Thus integrative zoological pragmatism is not only analysis of biological samples in situ, but e.g. camera trap records as well as tracking of artefacts in wild environs, in colonies in remote forests or elsewhere. Some polish researchers carried out contributions to natural history heritage, including Janusz Domaniewski, author of „Ouline of animal geography” 1921. Tomasz Barey, was researcher of Aschabad during three years. He conducted important faunistics surveys of that little-known area. Naturalists confirmed existence of autochtonic populations and so-called remnant settlements. The