- Fior Fiore Product Catalogue settembre 2020 | Page 5


The Mediterranean diet encompasses more than just food . It constitutes a set of skills , knowledge , practices and traditions ranging from the landscape to the table . The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a nutritional model that has remained constant over time and space , consisting mainly of olive oil , cereals , fresh or dried fruit and vegetables , a moderate amount of fish , dairy and meat , and many condiments and spices , all accompanied by wine or infusions , always respecting beliefs of each community .
That ’ s why in 2010 UNESCO has deemed the Mediterranean diet as a “ cultural heritage ” that needs protecting .

100 % Made in Italy

Mediterranean Diet

Authenticity . This is the secret : inside Fior Fiore products you have the scent of the air , the colors and the history of the places of origin . You have ancient artisanal knowledge combined with technological innovation .
For this reason Fior Fiore products are unique , as they constitute the wide range of true Italian specialties , the ones made of good values that will bring warmth to your table every day .
Live the authentic way , 100 % made in Italy .