When Nero asked for her, Otho refused, saying that since Poppaea was his wife, Nero couldn't “party” with her anymore. Nero became furious, but before anything could come from it, the Senate declared Nero a public enemy and he killed himself. Otho’s great trick did not end there. He did not just take the emperor's lover, but he took the empire as well.
Disclaimer: the Latin Club of the Summit Country Day claims no responsibility for the friendships broken by the following of such advice from an emperor who ruled for three months. Continue at your own risk.
And now...the Vox trivia crossword!
1. The greatest emperor
3. What you should actually do for exam prep (Lat. inf.)
5. She/he/it writes (Lat.)
7. Must agree in case, number, gender
8. meh.
10. Number of Roman kings
11. "Let there be ___" (Lat.)
13. In fossa est
2. Pieces used to make mosaics
4. It's a THING (Lat.)
6. Ancient ketchup
9. Yours (Lat.)
10. Rock that ancient footwear!
12. i.e., "i.e."