Digital publication | Page 20


"Immediate boarding for passengers on flight number 316 to Papeete."

“Come on everyone, get your bags! We are ready to board! “, says Mrs Dreneuc, chaperone for the Tahitian group.

At this point, 13-year-old Moana hurriedly leaves the taxi and heads for the boarding gate of Flight 316.

After clearing customs, he heads to the ticket counter to board, along with the rest of the group and the other teachers. Mrs Joussin and Mrs Piot are gathering all the students and making sure they haven’t forgotten their bags.

"- Ticket please."

Moana looks for his ticket in his travel bag without finding anything. He's already panicked, but this is a disaster.

"Hi," says a voice behind him.

He turns around and discovers a girl of about 15 years old.

"You dropped your ticket earlier.

Oh thanks...

Emma, my name is Emma. What's your name?


Emma sees Moana's badge. She has the same one but in red.

"I see that you're going on the ERASMUS project too.

Oh yes, you too!"

"Last call for passengers on flight 316 to Papeete."

"- Come quickly, we have to board! »

The students enter the plane, Moana runs after the call and a boy pushes him to enter first.

"Excuse me but the first place is mine! " he says.

Following the scene, Emma gets up to help Moana and says gently:

"Are you all right? You are not hurt?

- No, don't worry, I'm fine."

They both get on the plane and Emma asks Moana:

"Where is your seat? My seat is A14

- What a coincidence! I'm in B14

- I wonder who is in C14 ?

- Me too."

They arrive at their seats and one person stands up and exclaims:

"There you are my rival, I won, I stole the first place from you!

- But - but it was you who pushed Moana earlier, says Emma.

- I'm sorry, but victory doesn't wait for king Francesco !

- Calm down! It's okay, everyone has a place." says Mrs Dreneuc while calming the other two. Then they sit down 

in their respective places. At this moment the captain announces :

«Take off of flight A316 to Papeete, Tahiti. The crew wishes you a pleasant flight ! »

« Hey, haven’t we met before ? asks Emma.

- Yes, we’re in the same school, says Francesco, laughing

- But what are you doing on a plane during the school year ? Asks Emma

Audio version : Chapter 1