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Black Lives Matter

By Daniel K. 

 The #BlackLivesMatter is an activist movement that was sparked by the acquittal of

George Zimmerman, who shot and killed the unarmed African American 17-year-old,

Trayvon Martin. The movement gained more recognition in 2013 when a Florida jury

claimed Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder. The general public was

outraged and saw the jury’s decision as racially motivated. The BLM movement

concentrated on the lack of accountability when it came to violence committed against

the Black community. Some focus areas of the movement include police brutality, racism,

and policy.  

The purpose  of #BlackLives Matter was created   to stop oppression and racism due to the

color of one’s skin. Over time, thousands of Black Americans have been murdered due to

unnecessary and lethal force. It is stated on the official website for the movement:

“Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US,

UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to

intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By

combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and

innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our


The Black Lives Matter movement was founded after the tragic death of Trayvon Martin

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi. Trayvon had been heading home

after buying some skittles and iced tea from his local convivence store, who was then

spotted by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman called

911, claiming that Trayvon seemed suspicious. Quote, “This guy looks like he’s up to no

good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining, and he’s just walking around.”

Zimmerman began to follow the teenager, even though the dispatcher had told him the

action was unnecessary. What happens next was unclear as there weren’t any witnesses

close enough to observe the situation. But people around reported that there had been

yelling and raised voices, followed by a gunshot. When the police arrived, they found

Trayvon Martin face down on the grass, with no pulse. Firefighters and EMS from the

Sanford Fire Department arrived there at 7:27, providing Martin with medical help to

save him. At 7:30 PM, the 17-year-old was pronounced dead. 

The movement expanded in 2014, when two more unarmed African American men were

killed due to police brutality. Eric Garner’s death was caught on camera by a bystander,

the video showing police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, holding Garner in a prolonged illegal

chokehold, using unnecessary force against the unarmed  Black man. Garner cried out “I

can’t breathe” in the footage which became a chant/motto that gained recognition at

BLM protests. He had been allegedly selling illegal cigarettes which he denied. In the

footage it is then seen Officer Pantaleo coming into the scene, taking Garner down with

a chokehold. Doctors that observed Garner stated that he had died of suffocation. Not

even less than a month later, a White police officer shot the Black 18-year-old unarmed

teen, Michael Brown. After these deaths, people began protesting for racial justice and

equality. The public was frustrated that these police were not being held accountable

and that the police were using unnecessary force.