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Samantha, with Rosie’s hand still in hers, didn’t stop. She ran faster and faster with every stride, vainly

wishing that her forceful exhales would lighted the heaviness in her heart. Rosie, struggling to keep up

with her mother, regularly peeked over her shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of John amidst the

blackened sky. Once her eyes found John’s silhouetted figure, as well as the two men running towards

him, she impulsively opened her mouth and let out a cry for her father.

“Dadd –” Samantha clapped her hand over Rosie’s mouth before the yell could escalate.

“Quiet, Rosie. They’ll hear us,” whispered Samantha, though not before forcing her own voice to

remain steady. Heeding her mother’s words, Rosie reluctantly turned around and stared straight

ahead, her mouth still stretched wide in horror.

Samantha’s lips trembled, and her eyes stung with salty tears at the thought of her future. Rosie’s

future. Could she live without a dad? What about John? Could he get away and find them? Would he

even live? Questions brimmed her brain, demanding for answers, but she knew the only solution,

however long it took, was to wait.

With a painful jolt, Samantha heard the metal handcuffs clicking around John’s wrists, and heard his

dry yells that made her certain that the men were beating him. The sounds sent fear and dread

trickling ominously down her spine, causing her to shiver ever so slightly, though not from cold. From

right beside her, however, Rosie’s shaking breaths echoed throughout Samantha’s ears, constantly

reminding her of freedom’s purpose. The remembrance was what ultimately kept her going, forcing

her not to give up hope.

As the voices behind them faded, moving farther and farther away, Samantha knelt down once again to

look into Rosie’s wide, fearful eyes. She read from them the expression John had worn as well, except

now, she was easily able to decode it.


“It’s my fault isn’t it, Mommy?” Rosie whispered guiltily, fiddling with her fingers. I made you promise.”

“No, of course not – it really is not your fault,” Samantha consoled. “It could never be.”

Seeing Rosie so sad, and so broken, Samantha was overcome by a new emotion apart from heartbreak,

regret, or even sorrow. Determination.

She was consumed by an angry fire, determined to keep her promise to her daughter, determined to

get revenge for everything than had happened to the three of them. As she continued to run,

Samantha took a deep breath and prayed silently. ‘Oh, Lord, do whatever you wish with me, but don’t

touch my baby. Please Lord, don’t let them touch my girl.’