“Let’s get outta here,” John finalized. Those four words carried such immense joy that John was nearly knocked off his feet by Rosie’s jubilant hug. A few uplifting moments passed with laughter and smiles ringing through the air while pure bliss filled their content hearts. Perhaps their enduring dream of freedom would be fulfilled at last.
Once Rosie was tucked safely into bed, sound asleep, John rounded on Samantha. “So? What’s the plan?” he
“I dunno John. I ain’t think of one yet,” Samantha admitted. John scratched the stubble on his chin, exasperated, yet determined.
“Should we just...run?” he proposed vaguely.
“You kidding me right now?”
“No, I’m dead serious about this, Samantha.”
“Run where, then?”
“No! How do we run away?” Samantha asked desperately. John studied her with raised eyebrows for a few
seconds, and then steered her over to the open window.
“You see those woods back there?” he said, pointing out to a dense thicket of trees. “Rumor has it that there’s a road back there. I’m guessin’ there must be a safe house or somethin’. Worth the try, ain’t it?”
“You sure there’re no traps, or so?”
“We gotta try,” John said abruptly. “They probably don’t think we have the guts to run away. Just seems like what they’d imagine.”
Samantha stared at John for a few moments, and then her lips split into a wide grin. “What took us so long to
decide to leave?”
“Maybe we just didn’t have the guts?” John shook his head, and he, too, couldn’t resist a smile.
“When do we go?” Samantha asked after a short pause, seriousness instantly creeping back into her eyes. John looked at her and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Now?” he suggested.
“What? We haven’t even started preparing!”
“There’s no time for preparation, Samantha! We might not get a chance again!”
Samantha’s eyes, once more, began to glaze with tears. “Oh, John. What if we get caught?” she asked apprehensively, fear gripping her voice.
“I dunno,” he replied. “I really don’t know. But it’s all for the better, ain’t it?”
“What’s wrong?” she asked, eyeing both her parents. Samantha stole a quick glance at John before uncertainly looking back at her daughter.
"For Rosie,” Samantha completed.
“Rosie, wake up,” he said softly. Rosie’s eyes shot open, startled.