Digital publication | Page 208

On one of the pages sat a map. The page was splotchy, making some of the spots completely illegible. But it seemed to illuminate the whole room with a mysterious glow. Axel unfolded the old and crumpled page to see the way to an obscure place, where, hopefully, the Limoria horn was located. With renewed hope and energy, he rushed out of the cabin, book in hand, towards the unknown location.


Chills ran through his body as he traced his way across the map. After what felt like hours of running through the dim forest, Axel felt his feet sink into the ground. The surface was mushy, and it felt as if every step sent him closer and closer to reaching the depths of the mysterious wetland. A strange noise caught his attention… a familiar noise. When he looked up, his gaze met the gentle and familiar eyes of a limoria. It stared intensely at the book in the boy’s hands, as though it recognised the item.

The creature lowered its head, pushing the moss around like it was aiming to draw Axel’s attention to that spot. It slowly retreated and opened the way to the place that was marked on the map. Axel paced towards the space and kneeled down, digging his hands into the soft bog. All the dirt was pouring over the sides, landing wherever there was space, and making mountains of the muddy substance. Soon, Axel’s hands hit a hard surface, grazing the rigged texture of what he hoped to be the item he desired.