Digital publication | Page 128

“Hey, hottie”, said the guy with ginger dreadlocks.

 “Hello?” I was very confused about why he was speaking with me.

“You want to have some fun, love?”

“No, thank you.” I left both the room and the conversation.

“The outside looked more colourful than before. That was weird since it had rained around 20 minutes ago. At the time, I was quite hungry, hence I decided to head towards a nearby tavern called J Huston. On my way there, I looked at the stores. They were different. Only after some time did I realize that the stores weren’t the only difference, my reflection had changed as well. The restaurant looked unlike before, it seemed new. I was starving, so I didn’t give any of these things much thought.”

“Hey, beauty”, said the guy at the counter.

“Hi, I’d like a burger.”

“Okay, that’ll be 6.99.”

“Oh, I seem to have forgotten my wallet at home.”

“Don’t worry, love, it’s on the house.”

“At first, I was scared to take a bite because I had never got food for free. Once again, I was starving, so my hunger won over my thoughts. And the burger was delicious! To this day, I don’t think I have tasted anything as good.”

That hamburger was so delicious, and it also gave me a lot of energy. I started jumping and running around. Everyone was looking at me and thought that I was crazy. Suddenly, I ran through the door and didn’t even say thank you to the guy who gave me a free hamburger. So, I ran back to that tavern and quickly walked to the counter. He saw me and said, "Are you still hungry, love?"