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M . Soare , S . Aldea , D . Lescai , Ioana Andronie
Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine & Pharmacology
Hemangiosarcoma ( HSA ) accounts for approximately 5 % of the total primary non-malignant neoplasms , and 12 % to 21 % of the total mesenchymal neoplasms in dogs .
4 , 12 , 13 , 14
It is characterized by an aggressive biological behaviour due to its elevated metastatic potential , which leads to an unfavourable prognostic . 7
Hemangiosarcoma affects most breeds , however , more susceptible to it are dogs from the German Shepherd , Golden Retriever , Labrador Retriever and Schnauzer breeds . 5 , 8 , 9 , 13
Males appear to be at as higher risk of developing HSA than females . 6 The average occurrence age of hemangiosarcomas is 10 years old . 3
In dogs , the most frequent occurrence spot of a primary tumour is the spleen area , whereas the most frequent metastasis spots are the liver , the peritoneum , the mesentery and the lungs . Due to its elevated metastatic capacity , 80 % of the patients may display metastases as early as the initial examination 4 , 13 , 16 .
Primary HSAs may also be encountered in other tissues , such as the liver , the right atrium , the mesentery , the kidneys , muscles , the skin , the subcutaneous tissue , the conjunctiva , as well as the intrathoracic , retroperitoneal , and epidural spaces . 4 , 5
Hemangiosarcoma is rarely quoted as a primary tumour developing within the muscle tissue . 15
Neoplasm-related neuropathies are reported in dogs and clinically defined depending on their development spot and type , namely primary or metastatic . 2 They may be caused by direct lesions – when the tumour is located within the nervous system , or indirect – when it is located within a perineural tissue , with the secondary involvement of neuronal
10 , 11 structures .
The study in question describes a 3-yearold Bucovina Shepherd male dog , weighing 63 kg , displaying a swelling across the left thigh , accompanied by limping .
The investigations took place at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine within “ Spiru Haret ” University Bucharest , the dog being subjected to the following protocol : Case history data collection ; - The clinical examination focused on the current general state of health and identified a lesion within the femoral muscles , accompanied by limping . Complementary examinations : - Femoral X-ray with a latero-lateral view ; - Laboratory tests ( complete blood count and biochemical examination ); - Femoral muscle puncture and biopsy ; - Cytology test , cytosmear collected by means of a transparent adhesive tape test and scraping , May – Grünwald – Giemsa stained .
Histopathology examination – the samples were run through the histoprocessing , paraffin immersion and microtome sectioning procedures and ultimately HE ( hematoxylin-eosin ) stained .
Necropsy examination carried out to identify any possible lesions associated to the culpable pathology .
The study focuses on a single case , a 3-year-old Bucovina Shepherd male dog called Hemeius , weighing 63 kg , whose medical history mentioned a slight weight decrease associated with a mild / 1st degree claudication within the left posterior limb . The patient was brought for a consult after approximately 21 days from the onset of the first clinical signs ( manifested as claudication and a slight tumefaction of the limb ), as the claudication had worsened and was accompanied by a slight weight loss ( prior to the occurrence of the first clinical signs , the subject weighed 67 kg ).
The primary clinical examination revealed that the subject displayed a left thigh local tumefaction , a moderate / 2 nd degree claudication , an abrasion across the lateral side of the left hock , absent proprioception , without any alteration of the general state ( present appetite , normothermic at 38.8 o C , CRT ( capillary refill time ) < 3 sec , normally coloured mucous membranes ). On palpation of the femoral area , a slight sensitivity was noticed when flexing the hock , the tumefaction was firm ( located in line with the proximal third of the femur ), whereas the skin showed mobility .
The clinical presumptive diagnostic was intramuscular abscess / phlegmon . During the first stage , blood was drawn , against an anticoagulant , in order to perform the complete blood count , the results of which were within the normal range , but with a platelet ( PLT ) count decrease to the lower limit ( PLT = 137 × 109 / L , the range being 117-460 ) and a granulocyte ( Gran ) count increase to the upper limit ( Gran = 11.01 × 109 / L , the range being 4,0-12,6 ).
Vol VI - Nr . 28 ( 2 ) 2021