Digital publication | Page 6

The participants assessed their own digital pedagogy skills and prospects for digital activities in their own teaching processes by responding to the set statements in a 4-point Likert scale.

4-point Likert scale

situational analysis survey

An anonymous web-based survey was created by the School of Professional Teacher Education at JAMK University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with the other project partners. The aim of the survey was to map current digital pedagogical competences of VET teachers representing different professional fields.

The survey was conducted among the VET teachers of the four partner countries: Finland, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain (Catalonia).

The survey for the SHOW-VET project was created based on the framework of DigCompEdu2.0 and a Finnish survey on teachers’ digi-pedagogical skills (OpenDP) that has its roots in the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPAC) framework. Furthermore, some additional VET-specific items were integrated in the survey.