Q17- what would you need from your educational institution to develop your digital pedagogical competences, received a number of comments as shown in the word cloud.
Need for training was most commonly mentioned. However, not any training but VET teachers would like to get more specific and targeted training to meet their specific needs. E.g, interactive tools, refresher courses with industry experts, tips about digital tools for teamwork.
VET teachers hoped also to get appropriate time and resources to develop their digital pedagogical competences.
In addition, the VET teachers hoped to get appropriate time and other resources to develop their digital pedagogical competences.
Q 18 was reserved for any other comments and some notions were made that echoed the results of the previous questions. However, one noteworthy point was raised relating to students’ digital skills and learning preferences.
Some teachers commented that there should be time and space to have dialogues with students to understand their views, skills and the emotional aspects of digital learning.