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3. However, as we all know, beauty starts from the inside out. A healthy Roman diet includes vegetables, such as cabbage, onions, and asparagus, meats such as dormice and snails, and a healthy dose of garum (fermented fish sauce). There are several ways to make garum, but one common method involves steeping fish in a concentrated saline solution, letting the mixture sit in a jar for several weeks, and then straining the resulting liquid. Fish tea. Yum.

4. The ancient Romans had fashionable clothes for every occasion. Working in the fields? Wear a tunica! Going to school? Wear a tunica! Marching to war? Wear a tunica! (and some armor so that you, you know, maybe don’t die). Domina of a household? Wear a longer tunica! Unless you’re a male who is running for office, in mourning, a victorious general, or going to some fancy event, don’t worry about the toga. It really is quite simple. Just don’t wear solid purple or pants, you uppity barbarian.

5. But of course, you can’t be Roman just by looking like one. You have to internalize it. Feel the pride of a thousand years of civilization. See the frontier kingdoms grovel in submission as they offer tribute. Hear the glorious shouts of the crowds in the Colosseum. Now. Smell that? That is the smell of victory.If you taste it, it tastes like garum too.

Garum: the real reason for Rome's success.