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The blacksmith and craftsman of the God, Hephaestus, still uses outdated tools to this day. He feels inefficient in his work and turns to the ever-so useless mortals to see how they are doing. He finds them using weird automatic tools, ones that print in plastic. They create 3D shapes magically. He turns Hecate, wondering if she did anything to help the mortals progress. Then he sees something else. Humans are using lasers to cut through solid metal! This shocks him because, well, they are skipping all the hard work. They type

wish I were


Vulcanus Senissimus

By Wali Khan

Useless mortals.

random numbers into computers, which still confuses him on how they work, and magically the laser cuts out the weirdest shapes! Humans advanced. Hephaestus did what all Gods would, when humans become more advanced than them: just strike the humies down. But Hephaestus is nicer than most Gods, so he just crashed the peoples' computers, tampered with the 3D printer filament, and weakened the lasers. Just minor inconveniences that would slow people down. He isn't like Zeus, who causes major inconveniences by throwing people off mountains to slow them down. 

- most of the classical gods, probably