Digital publication | Page 13

d. Honey

e. Sickle

f. The invisible cap of hades

g. A satchel


6. On your journey, you encounter the wondrous island of Aeaea. A woman who owns a castle on the island invites you inside. You examine the scene; it looks safe; the only weird thing is the abundance of tamed animals on the island. What do you do?

a. Come in- you’re starving, and she offered you food!

b. Capture the animals to take with you on your journey- after all, you’re missing a suspicious number of crewmates…

c. Listen to your crewmate Eurylochus, who is convinced that the rest of the crew was turned into pigs.


7. You have been at war with the Greeks for 10 years now. A giant wooden horse randomly shows up ashore. What do you do?

a. Publicly denounce it

b. Go to sleep

c. Try to kill Helen, who started this entire war. Ugh.


I love this but it's super long. should we maybe split it up, to have questions on one two-page spread, and answers in the back?