Digital publication | Page 4

By Óscar Moretón, Avril Lagos, Damián Iglesias y Julia Martín.

In February,our music teacher suggested going to a symphonic concert by the OSCYL,one of the best orchestras in Spain. Some people had low expectations, but we all ended up saying that it was a wonderful experience and that we would go again if we had the chance.

On the day of the concert, a big part of our class, the older music students and four teachers met at 7:15 pm at the Miguel Delibes auditorium.

It has capacity for 1700 spectators approximately; aesthetically, it is large and beautiful , and the sound is incredibly good. When the musicians played soft, we could even hear the director breathing when he ordered to “ grow”, and when they played loud, it felt like the sound was surrounding us. The environment was serious and professional but relaxing and peaceful at the same time. We listened to four pieces, all of them from the “past ­ romantic” period, but the one that struck us the most was the Adagio for strings by Samuel Barber, which was rather beautiful, inspiring, nostalgic and sad moments.

Music 4

What is more, when it was finished, we were almost crying and the whole room spent several minutes clapping.

One remarkable thing is that, when the orchestra was playing the last piece, the 8th symphony of Dvorák, we saw a row of violinist passing a violin to the one that was on their back, which was quite strange, but we didn't give it more importance and continued listening to the music. When we got out of the auditorium, our music teacher told us that a violinist that was next to the director broke a string and needed to continue playing so she changed her violin with the one behind her, and he changed it to the one behind him, until the last violinist gave his instrument and got a broken one instead, so he couldn't continue playing. Poor violinist!

All in all, we lived an unforgettable experience, listening to a professional orchestra performing live and watching them playing so coordinated. We all loved it, and we would recommended it to anyone who likes music a little bit. It´s worth it, we can tell!

Photo: El Dia de Valladolid