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This issue is the OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION of our Homosurrealism Berlin show at the Pride Art Atelier in Berlin. The exhibit was held on Jan. 29/30 2022.

We were honored to be included in this event and special thanks go out to:

Lars Deike, Aaron D. Holloway, Chantal Lehner, Eva Mueller, Francois Harray, Raymon Imag, Thodorous Brouskomatis, Jack Fritscher, Ron Kibble, Thomas Abram Barker-Detwiler, Victor Hensel-Coe, Ingo Lamb, Rinaldo Hopf, Alejandro Lozano and many more.

Jack Sanders



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On 1/29 and 1/30 2022,

I was so happy to be at the Pride Art Atelier in Berlin. PRIDE is a word that I try to live by and now, Lars Deike, the founder of Pride Art, is providing LGBTQ+ artists an opportunity to share their art with hundreds of gay artists.. Lars has decided to spread out Pride Art beyond Berlin, with the founding of Pride Art NYC. Eva Mueller will do all the ground work to make Pride NYC a success!

Jack Sanders


COVER PHOTO: Francois Harray