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"Moving The Great Bend Farm and Ranch show from a live event to virtual in a 2-week span to innovate and adapt programming to an online format for the first time. This allowed participants to engage with specialists while adhering to local and state guidelines at the beginning of the pandemic"

Cottonwood District Ag PDC (Program Development Committee) members identified grain marketing and on-farm grain storage as important issues in 2020. A “Grain Market Outlook & Strategies for 2020” program ws presented, and broadcast on the Cottonwood Facebook page Local coops & grain companies participated in a panel discussion about marketing opportunities.

The Cottonwood & Walnut Creek District had planned an in-person “On Farm Grain Storage” program, but moved it to a virtual format with Facebook Live. Presenters included an instructor with the K-State International Grains Program and representative from the Farm Service Agency.



Officer training for 4-H youth from Cottonwood, Midway and Post Rock Districts successfully helped youth grow in their elected roles . This collaborative, virtual effort utilized the experience of several 4-H alumni and community leaders to help youth to understand parliamentary procedure and communication skills and develop leadership skills. Skills learned benefit their club in the short term and life-long impacts with future employers, civic boards, and the business community.

4-H Ambassadors met virtually for a session of interactive learning. 4-H Ambassadors in the Cottonwood District, are 9th-12th graders who have completed 2 years in 4-H. Topics for the work session included social media platforms, how to engage in a virtual world, and reaching new audiences all while keeping the National 4-H theme of "Opportunity 4 All" in mind. Each county was provided time to brainstorm and plan local activities

Thriving Across Generation: Succession Planning in Rural Kansas was a collaborative effort with the FHSU Small Business Development and High Plains Mental Health in March at the FHSU Memorial Union. The forty-seven participants included ag families, small business owners and individual families. Post surveys revealed that the level of understanding before and after the program increased in every area discussed:

Understand what estate planning steps are needed to meet goals

Understand communication strategies to use to talk to family members

Understanding legal options to protect financial assets

Understand the need for power of attorney

How to plan for a successful farm/business transition.

Comments from participants regarding the benefits of the program included:

as a young adult seeing the different options available

do it again with more in-depth info.,

really liked the take home materials,

very good basic points that we will expand on

on who to go to for more in-depth help

this helped me focus and “tool up” on my succession plan

it made me aware it is to time to get a will/trust.


Enrollment for the new 4-H year began October 1st, so now is a great time to check out the opportunities that 4-H can provide for the youth in your life!

Estate Planning 2020