Cold Link Africa June 2019

ISSN 2412-7779 R65.55 INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN One consolidated voice for the refrigeration industry Vol. 04 - No. 07 | June 2019 PRODUCER PROCESSOR TRANSPORTER DISTRIBUTOR RETAILER CONSUMER 21 EVENTS June RAC technical workshop programme announced 26 EVENTS Transfrig (Valeo) launches local R&D centre 32 EVENTS High-tech new banana ripening rooms for Springs Market By Kevin Walter of Lutz Refrigeration The Springs Fresh Produce Market had a requirement to replace its old banana ripening rooms, bringing about a much more sophisticated approach to ripening of the fruit. Ammonia emergency response workshop – essential for all plant owners 35 FEATURE Refrigerated transport – a matter of life and death Continued on page 13 COLD LINK AFRICA • June 2019 1