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y2k Fashion Inspired by Technology

By:Ricksel Penullan

Due to popular belief, Do not trust Everything on the internet! Even if they show you images of what it is! Sometimes it is not valid. Companies are fooled into believing that Y2k is reminiscent of apple bottom jeans, Pink, and Backstreet boys aesthetic. However, that is not usually true. Y2k Fashion, also known as the Kaybug, is an aesthetic manifestation from the 1995-2004 early fashion scene. Also, its popular name derives from The Y2k Scare that happened in the late 90s.

The impediment of the hardware characterizes it: design, music, and furnishings shining with Tech optimism. According to the Y2k Aesthetic institute, some aspects include tight leather pants, silver, Eyeshadow, shiny clothing, Oakleys, Gradients, and Blobitecture. Most Y2k aesthetics rely on technology and futuristic looks, Signaling the optimism of a new era as the 20th Century/2nd Millenium progressed into the 21st century/3rd Millennium. One of the Earliest definers of the Y2k look is the designers' republic—a Sheffield-based graphic design studio known for its cyber artworks. Sadly, the Y2k era ended in late 2004 and was succeeded by the McBling and Barbie Core era.

A futuristic look like Retro-Futurism could potentially inspire Y2K aesthetics. Elements of Y2k have some earlier portions of crossing over to vapor waves Aesthetic. The Vaporwave aesthetic is complex in its terms as there are also sub-genres of it. Vaporwave is mainly inspired by the late stage of capitalism and its nostalgic desire into a retro-futuristic world promised by western society entering its troubled times.