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It’s an interesting topic to discuss. I know that the newer the technology is the better it is, but older technology has so many things that not a lot of newer technology can hold. 

One of the main things that I can say is that the older the technology is, the better title it can get for being the first one. Like the first wheel has been used since whatever the time period it was discovered in. It might not be the same wheel that we use, but it inspired other inventions and people will say it is the first of many. It’s a pretty cool title to have.

Second thing is that older technology has inspired so many other new or current technologies. Like the first telephone was built in 1876, but only in 2007 did we have the first iphone. A lot of people can still remember the first iphone. Or the first airplanes were so tiny, that only two people could use it, but now airplanes can hold up to 850 people.

Which brings to the third thing, older technology shows time. It shows and gives us information about what our ancestors were and what our ancestors did. It shows the mentality, the intelligence, the emotions, and the environment that our ancestors were in. If you look at tools that we use, you can see the type of material it is, and most materials give the year that it was created or died. Like anything that is made of wood, has rings in it and those rings can tell a story. Or use carbon dating to tell living things.

Fourth thing is that older the technology, the more people can bond with each other. Your grand-parent’s lives were very different from yours, but you probably have heard stories about what technology was like when they were at your age. Some grand-parents were alive when tv become fully televised in color, which was in 1953. But now, television are in 4k ultra HD so you, your family, and your grand-parents can reminiscence the past and share memories with each other.

Fifth thing is that it makes us grateful for what we have now. We wouldn’t be where we are, without faster technology. Older technology is slow and has a lot of backfire. There was a time where people had to crank cars in order for it to keep on driving. Or that stone tools wren’t as efficient as electric tools.