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During the volleyball season, the Wildcats team of Shanghai Livingston American School played against some other teams of other international schools in Shanghai. The SLAS Wildcats team tried their best and enjoyed playing in the competitions and ended the season with the last tournament on Sunday, October 19, 2014.

“The volleyball season was very good,” Josh Tseng, a tenth grader who is also a part of the volleyball team, says, “we learned how to cooperate and we had a lot of fun during both competitions and practices.” Josh also added, “The opponents we had were strong, they had good cooperation and strong serves.”

Josh Tseng is a student athlete who joined in the high school Wildcats volleyball team this year. Josh enjoyed playing volleyball; however, he had never joined any school teams before. Therefore, he decided to try to join the team this year of SLAS Wildcats. Josh really appreciated his teammates because if he makes a mistake, his team would encourage him instead of blaming him of everything. The SLAS Wildcats team has met some strong opponents this year. According to Josh, SAS Puxi could be one of some good teams they met this year who had strong serves and good cooperation. Last but not least, Josh thinks that their team can improve more on communicating with each other during games which they would have less chance to crush into each other.

“The team we had was strong this year,” Jennifer Jiang, a ninth grader who is interested in volleyball, says. “Also, even though we lost games during the season, everyone was enthusiastic and had lots of fun,” Jennifer added, “it’s just that we probably need to practice more with each other & learn how to cooperate.”

At last, the volleyball season that lasted from the first quarter to the beginning of the second quarter finally ended. The Wildcats team, both high school boys and girls, did their best during the games and practices, and enjoyed playing on the team. In conclusion, even though the teams did not win all of the games, the student athletes in the teams enjoyed themselves and are hoping to get better results for the volleyball competitions next year.

Topic: School life

End of a Great Volleyball Season

by Cathryn Jiang