Digital publication | Page 20

Electronics at School

by Lydia Onculer

The good positives of electronics at school seem to outweigh the harms of using electronics at SLAS. There are many devices that we could use daily as students.

There are many electronics that are very useful, and sometimes make us feel bounded to them. A computer is mainly used for internet, which is very useful for research. Phones are good for communication, but they are also a good distraction in class. Teachers use smart boards, and there is one in almost every class.

“Electronics are very useful at school,” a student says. “When you need to do research at school, you go to a computer lab to do it. When you are sick, you may call someone to pick you up from school.”

There are the “pros” and “cons” of electronics used at school. There may be distraction, dependency, and low grades. Or, if used properly, there may be good uses for teachers, research, finished assignments, and understanding one thing from our future, technology. Distraction is caused by students looking at their phones in class, which leads to low grades. Dependency comes from spell check, so their grammar and spelling would be weak. For teachers, smart boards are like a life saver for teaching quicker from not wasting time writing. Research comes from computers, leading to finished assignments.

In conclusion, if we go past the harms, the benefits are really important. Phones may not be allowed, but computers should be. Electronics at school have more benefits than harms!

Topic: School life

House Sports Makes School Fun

by Yoshiki Sekiguchi

Students who are attending Livingston American School here in Shanghai are placed into one of the four different school Houses. There are the White Tigers, Black Lions, Silver Snow Leopards, and finally the Red Lynxes. The House system develops positive interaction among the school levels from the young students through grade 12.

The teaching staff at SLAS is also placed in a House along with the students. The distribution of staff will allow students to become more familiar with those staff members and communicate each other.

“The House activity is one of my pleasures. By doing the sports events, I can enhance my endurance and leadership.” Hayato, a student athlete says “Also” he says, “It is very good thing, because I can communicate with my friends and teacher easily.”

Students will also have opportunity to gain points, both individually and collectively for their House group, though various activities and events at the school. SLAS students participate in house sport activities every Wednesday where they can demonstrate their sportsmanship. These sports include volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, and soccer.

“I had a lot of fun playing House sports.” Tomokazu, a former student who always demonstrated positive thinking and played well, “Playing sport is very nice, because it is healthy, fun and enjoyable to play.”

In conclusion, House activity is very nice, fun, healthy, and enjoyable to play. Most of the students also playing a sports with their friends and helping them to develop long lasting bonds.