Digital publication | Page 42


By Robert Howe

I get inspired when I hear people speak

And listen to the truths which are shared from sources of deep

Like the bank vaults of Gringotts we guard our valued treasure

And stay guarded ’til we feel we have the best measure

Of the other, the person we don’t know, but an impression we try to gain.

Are they real?

Are they fake?

Are they on the same train as me?

Going to the place in my mind that I see.

That’s why I admire artists of spoken word, but not limited to

‘Coz they stand up, speak out and share their truths.

It’s dumbfounding there are so many haters in this world

Who ignore the winds of freedom and keep their sails firmly furled

To you who cowers away and speaks through insecurity and fear,

I just want to be crystal, so very clear on this point.

Don’t shy away ‘coz you feel insignificant and uncertain,

Embrace that part of you which is becoming a burden.

A weight, a crucifix, sisyphus’s boulder,

Crouch down, lean forward and use your God given shoulder

To push against the seemingly irrepressible flow,

Stand up, be counted and give your truth a go.

You’ll find people will respond to you in equal measure

You’ll become emboldened and grow when you sense your own treasure.