Do not re-member your freedom to walk the earth
That slap of bare soul on concrete, pavement, sand, forest floor,
Freedom of walking nowhere, anywhere
Into gardens, down driveways, across motorways,
through factories, over fences
Do not re-member
To talk to strangers
To connect the dots, the zeros, the ones
Beyond the binary, the matrix mapped.
Knock, knock – [Who’s there?]
Sonia – [Sonia who?]
’s’ on’ ya shoe I can smell it from here.
And sometimes that’s all it is doctor:
we’ve stepped in something, we need to look underneath,
Peer into our soles,
Do you see where I have walked?
A mile in my stigmatised stigmata bare feet doctor.
A barefoot runaway slave – a case of drapetomania doctor
You look ill, doctor
Doctor, you look stressed,
You’re not maintaining eye contact, doctor
Your rapport is poor
Have you had thoughts about killing yourself recently doctor?
Perhaps you should try to kill your self---absorption doctor
Kill this prescripted presumption of self-right doctor
Must be a terrible burden doctor
Knock, knock on those doors of perception doctor
Dimethyltraptamine, psilocybin, meditation, permanent vacation… doctor.
Knock knock, doc, knock knock
Let yourself in.