Digital publication | Page 22

For an age or more, I took to wandering within that

Labyrinthine, neuronal, architecture,

And one day quite carelessly,

As I discarded stale bread from my pockets,

I mislaid the key of love on some disused pathway

I had not travelled on before.

I moved on, and there it lay out of sight.

Now, only the heart remembers what is missing.

While the chamber doors are locked tight,

The beating insistence, that is the measure of a life

Can still be faintly detected.

Contrary to denial of my unique stronghold,

I have found that even the Human insect is capable

Of growing an exoskeleton,

Utterly shielding that soft internal well,

Fearing that some Pandora may awake.

For even in understanding the idea of love,

She is capable of a smile that says what use?

What need is there for empathy, tenderness.


The fragile Spirit left trapped within plate glass,

liquid ice running through.

Soon, it will be my turn

To become the locksmith –wielding-flamethrower.


by Nerina Burke


by Alan Dennis Harris

I carry a memory stick

on a string

around my neck

My stick archives

1000 images

1,000,000 words

My stick helps me

remember who I am

who you are

My stick helps me

remember the first time

my child walked, talked

the last time

my grandpa laughed, cried

If I misplace my stick

I may forget

your name, my own

So archive my picture

on your stick

Mention the last time

you saw me laugh, cry

Carry me with you

until you forget

my name, your own

before your life

is but a frozen archive

on someone else’s

memory stick