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NJCL Convention: A uniform line of 20 LJCLers wrapped in white sheet togas tied at their waist with red rope and crowned with Minotaur horn headbands until their voices couldn't go any louder. No one was going to stop the Louisiana delegation on day 5, the final dar, of national JCL convention, and no other state's attire nearly compared to the road-eo Minotaur costumes LJCL flaunted around. 30 minutes later Jack Overton, LJCL's enthusiast 2nd Vice President (and spirit leader), bounced up and down with excitement as he crossed the grand national stage to obtain the first place prize for the spirit procession competition, most likely a bright plastic dollar store trinket.

The Roman procession, followed by a 2-hour long assembly, a Cajun-Roman banquet, the Good Bayou dance, and a second dinner of pizza, comenced the final events of NJCL Convention. Througought the week leading up to the procession, all LJCLers celebrated the Classics with fun events such as dances, assemblies, lunchtime feasts, academic contests, Olympika, That's Entertainment (the talent show) and much, much more.

Fall Forum: On October 1, 2022, we held our annual Fall Forum at St. Joseph's Academy and invited students to an afternoon of Latin and Classics' themed fun. The event began with a general assembly that introduced LJCLers and ended in a charades ice breaker. Then, students segued into the service project, a session for making cards for Louisiana teachers, and novice, intermediate, and advanced Certamen. After students left Certamen with sore brains, they either recreated the Library of Alexandria from food in impromptu art with historian Emma Hulse or cooled off with the rest of the officers at the "Meet the Officers" session. Following those events, all student joined Glasgow Middle School Latin Teacher Mrs. Roy for a Roman dice game interactive colloquim. JCL Fall Forums do not exist without Olympika, so all students assembled on a small field outside for games: tug-o-war, sack race, water ballon toss, and a foot race. To finish Fall Forum, the officers led the crowd in a final general assembly and presented both announcements and awards to students.

Toga Bowling: it is a small and relatively new event in LJCL history, but the few number of students who attended had a ball. Students around the Baton Rouge area gathered on Saturday December, 3rd 2022 at Main Event and bowled... in togas. Everyone enjoyed pizza during the bowling time and ate until they were full. After bowling and pizza, the LJCLers gathered for a round of toga laser-tag, although the laster vests broke in the middle of the game!

Past events

"LA is RED HOT! LA is RED HOT! LA is R-E-D red hot! Once we start we can't be stopped"