Digital publication | Page 80

“Enough!” the teacher silenced her. “Gabriel, get Luke to the nurse’s office ASAP. As for you, Anna Styles, to the principal’s office right now.”

At the principal’s office, Anna quietly knocked on the door. A “come in” was heard. She opened the door to see the principal’s assistant, quietly typing.

“You are Anna Styles, right? Sit down. You will need to wait.” the assistant said coldly.

The girl just nodded and sat down. Silence filled the room, only the keyboard could be heard.

After what felt like an hour Luke walked in and joined Anna. The girl noticed the bandage on the boy’s hand, it was embarrassing to think this was her doing. Suddenly the assistant stood up and said leaving:

“I have some matters to attend to, wait here.”

After some minutes, Luke came up with an idea.

“What if we both escape from this hell?”

“Are you stupid! What if we get caught?”

“We won't, trust me.”

So, the two trouble makers decided to hide in the headmaster‘s closet and wait for the school to close. The next thing they saw was the blinding light at the doorway.

„Stop, you don‘t know what’s that. You could get hurt.“ Anna said anxiously. „WHAT IS THAT?“

The robot hand pulled the frightened kids into the chain of games, where they scattered all over it. Anna was screaming from the top of her lungs, while Luke was calmly looking around. As Luke heard Anna yelling for help, he started to scream her name as well, trying to reach her. The sound of the scream echoed through the walls creating a massive soundwave that teleported Luke right behind Anna. Luke tapped terrified Anna on her shoulder, and she shouted in horrendous fear. Luke calmed her down by giving her a massive hug. Anna calmed down and decided to take a good look around the area of the chain of games. It was an enormous and glowing place, the sky was made of cotton candy, and the floor was made of skittles. . While walking around the centre, they noticed a lot of different genres of games including games like Wreck-it Ralph, Call of Duty, Minecraft, 8 Ball Pool. Suddenly they noticed a mirror and started walking towards it. They looked in the mirror and noticed that they had been transformed into animated characters. Luke had become an odd-looking boy with paper-thin bones and Anna was like a dream girl with red hair as if she was Anne with an E. The children were so stunned by their look, they were as