Digital publication | Page 51

deserved my punishment. Nevertheless, my remorse is already greater than my misdeeds. Forgive me, if it’s not too late.” The girl was quiet, but she raised her eyes, a faint smile appeared on her face and her black eyes started to fade. A sudden gust of wind shook the trees and the last words that I could hear were “I forgive you” – the girl turned into ashes, she vanished forever. Slowly, the mist started to clear and I tried to make my way back home. Some men were joining me as I was going through a thick forest. All the men had black eyes and I wondered if I looked the same. The weary men started sharing their stories and all of them sounded almost the same as mine. After three days of travelling, we finally reached our town.

When I got back to Tacabully, I knew I had to tell the truth - how to save Tacabully from sorrow. I immediately tried to gather as many citizens as I could. When most of them gathered, I mustered all my courage and told them the truth, “The key to disperse the fog and release Tacabully from misery is apologizing and being more sincere to one another, as well as the ones you’ve hurt the most.”